Posted By: Kristam Moffett Date:

Mindful movement promotes body awareness through bringing 100 percent of our attention to our movements. In this practice be fully with your moment-to-moment experience of moving the body. In mindful movement we move slowly with ease and awareness taking into consideration how our body is feeling,
noticing and responding to the body’s needs. We move in ways that fully respect the body and are gentle with our own limits.

If you have any medical or orthopedic problems, please check with your doctor before attempting any movements.

Formal mindful movement includes:
• Yoga
• Tai chi
• Pilates
• Khi Cong

If you can’t attend a formal class you can still learn some simple movements that are flowing and graceful and not too fast. Each movement should be coordinated to be in harmony with our breath. This allows us to practice sensitivity and awareness to our body, our breathing, and the interconnectedness between our body, our breathing and our mind. Our bodies were made to move and they respond well to movement co-ordinated with the breath
– it can be really invigorating and relaxing at the same time.

Mindful movement practices are undoubtedly physically and mentally beneficial. However, overly strenuous physical activity can lead to injury. Check with a doctor before beginning any exercise regime. And be sure to listen to your own body and do only what feels comfortable to you.