Posted By: Jane McClenaghan Date:

Are you in control of your sugar cravings, or is your urge for sugar so strong you’d do anything for the next chocolate fix?


Too much sugar will leave you feeling fat, flat and fed up!  It can affect your mood, waistline and energy levels.


Here are my top 10 tips to help you reduce your sugar intake…


1.    Instead of cutting sugar out of your diet completely, start by reducing your intake.

2.    Keep a food diary for a week to find out when you are eating sugar, and how much.

3.    Check food labels for a maximum sugar content of 12g per 100g.

4.    Try swapping biscuits for oatcakes and sugar-free nut butter.

5.    Swap sweets for fresh fruit, or trail mix.

6.    Swap sugary drinks for pure, fresh, clean water.

7.    Fruit juice contains as much sugar as fizzy drinks, so eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.

8.    Check the sugar content of your breakfast cereal. Low sugar options like Weetabix, Shredded wheat or porridge are ideal.

9.    You can calculate the amount in your favourite snack simply by dividing the total grams of sugar in one portion by 4, to see how many teaspoonfuls it contains.

10. Allow yourself an occasional treat once or twice a week, but instead of munching mindlessly, sit down and enjoy every mouthful.